Friday, January 11, 2008

Who Is A Bully?

Bullies come in all sizes and shapes. Some may be taller or bigger than everyone. Some may in trouble all the time or some may be popular kids who are in the “in crowd” with lots of friends.
Bullies are often insecure so they pick on others to make themselves feel better.

Why does a person act like a bully?
- They may be having problems at home or struggling with school.
- Sometimes they may be seeking attention from parents or teachers.
- Maybe they observe their parents or older siblings get their way by being angry or pushing other people around.
- He or she may be experiencing bullying themselves by another kid or a sibling.
- Their parents may not have taught them not to hurt others.
- Or maybe they are exposed to a lot of violence in movies, TV, and video games.

Have you heard about peer pressure? Peer pressure is a powerful thing. You may notice that sometimes a person is nice to you when he/she is alone but will join in when his/her friends start teasing you. People often do what their friends are doing due to peer pressure. They might think they're just having fun and not realize they are bullying someone.

Sometimes when people are bullied when they are younger, they grow up and become a bully themselves. Some bullies set out to hurt someone and others don't even realize that their behavior is hurtful.

Remember the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect others and accept the differences you see in others. We are all different in some ways but we all want to be accepted and liked.