Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thank You, US Bank!

As stated in the last post- US Bank helped sponsor the Anti-Bullying Poster and Essay Contest conducted in January and February! Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault received a grant from US Bank to help support their Bullying Prevention Initiative in the local schools.
US Bank is a wonderful example of how local community businesses can help organizations like Prairie Center succeed in their mission. More info to come on this... Thanks again, US Bank! You rock!

Steps to Respect Program underway at local schools!

We are pleased to announce that the Steps to Respect program is going strong at the following schools: McClernand Elementary and Christ The King (Springfield, IL) and Carrollton Elementary (Carrollton, IL)...we have been receiving positive feedback about the programs- and actually just finished up with our Anti-Bullying Poster and Essay contest sponsored by Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault and our good friends at US Bank. (Winners will be posted in April). The winners of the contests will receive a $50 savings bond from US Bank and their winning entries will be published. Thanks to all the students who participated! It was tough on the US Bank judges to choose from all the great artwork and essays.
We are also working with St. Aloysius (Springfield, IL) and North Elementary School (Taylorville, IL) on setting up this program for their schools in the 2008-2009 school year. We have several other schools interested in participating and the waiting list is growing...we hope our funding will come through again this year so we can continue to offer this program to new schools and sustain the programs at the schools already involved to help create safer learning environments.
We appreciate the support of the staff, teachers, parents, and the community for our Bullying Prevention takes all of us to make this work.