In the past few weeks, Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault has received an alarming amount of complaints from students and parents about bullying in schools throughout Illinois. It appears that the schools have anti-bullying policies in place, however, the policies are not being followed.
We have a solid program in several of our elementary and middle schools in our service area called "Steps To Respect". We have been offering this program and training for schools since 2006. Our finding is this...the schools that have strong support from school administration, school faculty and staff, and a consistent approach in dealing with bullying incidents- are the most successful in reducing bullying in their schools. This does not happen over night- it is a process. Each school has to be committed to creating a better school culture that helps students feel safe and that can enhance a better learning environment.
Our biggest obstacle is changing individual attitudes about bullying. Adults need to realize that this is NOT "kids being kids" and kids can't just work it out on their own if they don't have the skills to do so. Kids need to realize that bullying is NOT acceptable behavior and will NOT be tolerated in school or in life. Bullying is a REAL problem and it needs a REAL solution.
We are recruiting new elementary schools for the 2011-12 school year to participate in our "Steps To Respect" program. This program includes intensive training for school administration and faculty/staff and an educational session for parents. For more information, please call: Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault at 744-2560 or email: